Welcome to Wicked Designs

About Wicked Designs

Contact Wicked Designs


Guest Book

Frontlip Photos

We Customize Your Ride To Fit Your Style          


701 E. 44th Shop #7

Garden City, ID 83714

(208) 375-5075 Phone/Fax

(208) 577-7648 Cell 


Wicked designs custom autos is your home for all your car needs.  Not only do we customize, we also sale parts such as bodykits, hoods, fenders, cold-air intakes, coilovers, neon’s, oem parts, pulleys, racing parts, seats, aluminum spoilers and much more.

Special thanks to the following people.....


*  mike and diane lembke

*  ryan from dk

*  commercial

*  dave from frontlip (208) 841-8722

*  kiss 103.3

*  smooch from kiss 103.3

*   Idaho speed center and street art

*  My big sis for making my web site rock!!

*  And everyone that has helped with getting wicked designs off the ground!!





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